Winter Pinecone Bouquet

Brighten up your home this winter with a beautiful pinecone bouquet painted in subtle shades of pink, purple, white and grey with a sprinkling of glitter. Makes a lovely gift for a loved one or friend.

Winter Pinecone Bouquet

Skill Level


Time to Make

45 minutes (Plus drying time)

Adult Supervision Needed


How to Make

  1. You will need 6 craft sticks to make 3 stems. Glue together 2 sticks by overlapping them approx. 4 cms. Repeat this process until you have 3 stems.
  2. Glue your pinecones onto your stick stems in groups of 3 or 4 depending on the size and shape of them. Glue individually making sure to glue the bottom edges and sides and hold in place to fix to the ‘stem’ be careful of your fingers with the hot glue.
  3. Carry on gluing your pinecones into groups and try to fill gaps with the right size or shape of pinecone. Once the glue is set keep upright in your jar or vase and move onto the next stem.
  4. Once you have 3 stems of approx.3-4 pinecones on each one, it’s time to paint them. Mix the purple and pink with white for a paler shade if desired. Use a bigger paint-brush and load the paint on to get into all the gaps on the pinecones.
  5. Alternate the colours of your pinecones when you are painting them, and sprinkle with glitter before the paint dries. (You could even do the painting step first if you wish)
  6. Once dry, group together to create a bouquet shape and tie with twine. You could display them in a vase this way or wrap them in tissue for a beautiful gift.
Winter Pinecone Bouquet Winter Pinecone Bouquet Winter Pinecone Bouquet

Top Tip

Keep a vase or a tall jar nearby to stand your bouquet in while it’s drying.

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